Pre-Kinder/Head Start Registration

Kids posing with teacher

Welcome to Pre-Kindergarten!

Howard ECC is home to the youngest learners in Alamo Heights ISD! It is a welcoming community that establishes a safe and nurturing environment where all students are empowered to grow and develop a love of learning!

Why PreK?

Research shows the importance of pre-kindergarten programs in preparing students for kindergarten and setting them up for success in their learning journey through high school.

At Howard, students are taught by highly qualified, certified teachers who guide their academic and social and emotional development. The school’s touchstone is to help students use their “thinking heads, feeling hearts and helping hands,” which illustrates the commitment to integrity, compassion, and service.

There are two ways to access PreK services - Qualification or Tuition Based.

The criteria to qualify for free PreK are listed below.

There are tuition-based spots available each year. Contact the school’s office to be placed on a wait list.

AHISD also partners with Head Start for Pre-K programming. Head Start is a federally funded program that provides comprehensive services to children and their families. Everyone that is registering for Pre-Kindergarten must also go through the Head Start process and will be contacted by a Head Start representative from Region 20 who will ask for additional information if needed, such as proof of income.

Read this flyer for more information about HeadStart.

Registration and Eligibility

Children must be 4 years old on or before September 1, 2024 and meet one of the following eligibility qualifications for free Pre-K:

- Unable to speak/comprehend the English language
- Educationally disadvantaged
- Is homeless
- Is the child of an active duty member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserve component of the armed forces, who is ordered to active duty by the proper authority.
- Is the child of a member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserve component of the armed forces, who was injured or killed while serving on active duty
- Is or has been in the conservatorship of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (foster care) or has been in foster care in another state or territory, but currently lives in Texas
- Is the child of a person eligible for the Star of Texas Award as a peace officer, firefighter, or emergency medical first responder

Required Documentation

The entire registration process is completed online. There are several steps and documents to submit in order to complete registration and verify eligibility. If you do not upload the documents, you will not be able to submit the registration.

Required documents are:

1.) Child's Birth Certificate

2.) Proof of Residency

If you lease, we must have a current lease that has the child listed as a resident. We must also have a current utility bill (electric, water, cable). If you own the property we need a current utility bill. If you live with a friend or family member in the district and don't have your own proof of residency then you must contact our EDC office at 210- 442-3700 to complete a secondary residency.

3.) Child's updated shot/immunization record

4.) Photo ID of parent/guardian registering child

You will also need to provide the following information to determine eligibility:

1.) Active duty military orders (if applicable)

2.) Your child's IEP if he/she has learning needs

3.) Proof of Income

2023 - 1040 Tax Form AND previous 2 month's pay stubs (last 60 days); SSI; child support; worker's comp

4.) Federal Assistance Letter (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, WIC)

Due to new qualifications, all families, regardless of income, are encouraged to apply annually.

Visit the AHISD Registration website to begin the process.

Final Steps for Registration

Once you have submitted the online registration, please print and complete this small packet that has additional paperwork which is required by the district and helps in the placement of your child. (The packet is also available in Spanish.)

Email the completed packet to Amanda Ovalle at [email protected] and include your child's name in the subject line.

Everyone that is registering for Pre-Kindergarten must also go through the HeadStart process and will be contacted by a HeadStart representative from Region 20 who will ask for additional information if needed, such as proof of income.

You will receive an email back once all information is received and verified to let you know that your child's registration is complete. Due to the qualifying process for HeadStart, it could take up to 2 months for a response.

Contact Information

If you have questions or need assistance, call the Howard office at 210-832-5900.

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